
Car Insurance from BD 53*

Renew your car insurance provided by Solidarity starting BD 53*
Valid: 31st December 2023
Terms & Conditions :
1. Car insurance is provided by Solidarity.
2. The premium are calculated by Solidarity under the guidelines of Central Bank of Bahrain.
3. Starting premium of BD 53 depends on plan, add-on and car model etc
4. stc has the right to end or modify the offer without prior notice
5. stc is an appointed representative of Solidarity in accordance with CBB Rulebook (Volume 3).
More Offers
Card image cap
Comprehensive car insurance by Solidarity from BD 3/month*
The offer is valid for eligible stc customers.
Card image cap
Protect your phone with Solidarity from BD 2.75/month*
The offer is valid for eligible stc customers.