
Submit Claims | Device Insurance

Submit your claims with ease
All claims are serviced by Solidarity & BKIC (GIG Bahrain) depending upon the insurance that you have purchased.
Device Insurance Claims
Device insurance is provided by Solidarity.
  1. We believe in making claim experience easy and convenient.
  2. 1. Visit stc Service Center, City Center Mall.
  3. 2. Dedicated representative will check your details and help you fill the claim form.
  4. 3. Once claim form is filled, your device will be evaluated by authorized service provider of insurance company.
  5. 4. Authorize service provider will contact you and brief you about whether claim is approved or rejected.
  6. 5. If approved, authorize service provider will communicate excess fees, claim resolution date and will confirm whether the device will be repaired or replaced.
  7. 6. Once the device repaired or replaced device is received, authorize service provider will request you to collect the device from stc Service Center by completing excess fees payment.
  8. Unless mentioned in policy, the repaired or replaced device will be handed over to you within 2 working days.
  1. We believe in making claim experience easy and convenient.
  2. 1. Visit stc Service Center, City Center Mall.
  3. 2. Dedicated representative will check your details and help you fill the claim form.
  4. 3. Once claim form is filled, your device will be evaluated by authorized service provider of insurance company.
  5. 4. Authorize service provider will contact you and brief you about whether claim is approved or rejected.
  6. 5. If approved, authorize service provider will communicate excess fees, claim resolution date and will confirm whether the device will be repaired or replaced.
  7. 6. Once the device repaired or replaced device is received, authorize service provider will request you to collect the device from stc Service Center by completing excess fees payment.
  8. Unless mentioned in policy, the repaired or replaced device will be handed over to you within 2 working days.
  1. 1. Certificate of insurance
  2. 2. Purchase invoice of device
  3. 3. CPR of device owner
  4. 4. Claim form
  1. 1. Certificate of insurance
  2. 2. Purchase invoice of device
  3. 3. CPR of device owner
  4. 4. Claim form
  1. 1. In case your device is robbed by force,you must report this scenario to STC within 12 hours
  2. 2. Next, you must report the event to the police within 24 hours and obtain a policy report.
  3. 3. Lastly, you must visit, stc Service Center City Center Mall within 5 days to submit your claim. Solidarity will reject claims that are submitted after 5 days.
  4. Insurance company or authorize service provider may request to provide additional documents such as invoice of purchase and other particulars of the event.
  1. 1. In case your device is robbed by force, you must report this scenario to STC within 12 hours.
  2. 2. Next, you must report the event to the police within 24 hours and obtain a policy report.
  3. 3. Lastly, you must visit, stc Service Center City Center Mall within 5 days to submit your claim. Solidarity will reject claims that are submitted after 5 days.
  4. Insurance company or authorize service provider may request to provide additional documents such as invoice of purchase and other particulars of the event .
  1. 1. Certificate of insurance
  2. 2. Purchase invoice of device
  3. 3. CPR of device owner
  4. 4. Claim form
  5. 5. Police report
  1. 1. Certificate of insurance
  2. 2. Purchase invoice of device
  3. 3. CPR of device owner
  4. 4. Claim form
  5. 5. Police report